Each of the Naturopathic healing modalities are non-toxic and non-invasive. They also assist in providing the body with the support it needs to begin to build and strengthen the foundation of it's overall health which can then allow the body to heal and balance itself. The 6 main Naturopathic healing modalities are:
This modality works primarily with modifications to what a person is or is not eating and may also include the use of different vitamin and/or mineral supplements.
This modality works with different plants to help support the body in healing itself.
This modality is an energetic form of healing that works on the principles of ‘like cures like’. When working with Homeopathy, we seek to match the energetics/characteristics of a remedy with the energetics/characteristics of a person.
This modality combines a person’s concerns with a traditional tongue and pulse diagnosis to form a symptom picture. Acupuncture is then used to address/balance the presenting symptom picture.
This modality includes various forms of bodywork including a general relaxation massage, energetic forms of bodywork including Cranial Sacral, Bowen, and Reiki, and hydrotherapy which includes the application of hot and cold towels to stimulate circulation and support detoxification.
This modality includes looking at how different life situations or emotions may be impacting a person’s level of health and how these can either be modified, released, or more fully integrated.
* Although Jackie Yurko has studied all of the above modalities, the ones she focuses on in her practice are nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, and counseling. Rather than focusing on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bodywork herself, she refers out to different practitioners who specialize in each.